Module 1: 15 Domains → Uncover
Uncover your blindspots. Get honest and clear about what it is that you really want and need. Not what others want you to need or what society wants you to need. What you need.
The 15 Domains structure shows you how to find your authentic needs across all 15 areas of your life. (Yes - you have different needs in 15 different areas!)
Module Highlights
Learn what “being successful” means once and for all!
The difference between Work and Career
What “possibilities” and “oxygen” have in common
Why life can feel like trying to play a card game that you don’t know the rules to
How thinking about a sock drawer can help you in your deepest times of need
Why going through challenges in life is vital to your ability to gain wisdom .. and how we can do it without suffering
Why being “broke” is something to celebrate
Learn where addictions like to hide
Why being told to find “balance” in life might be driving you crazy